Tuesday 12 March 2013

Only a couple of days to go

We're off to the house on Friday for the first time since last Autumn.  We have lists of things to get done over the weekend, mainly measuring things in prep for the April trip - for floor paint, curtains and so on.

It's a good job we arranged for a delivery of firewood, as it seems the weather looks like it will be cold!

We will be trying out a new restaurant in Gensac called Gensaké - we will provide a critique of it on our return.  We had attempted to go to the Hotel Les Ramparts, which we first tried last year, but have been told by the owners that, whilst the hotel is opening this spring, the restaurant won't be for some obscure reason; we had tried to book with them last year, but couldn't get through on the phone, so I think they've been having some problems.

Anyway, we have been looking forward to this trip for some time now - it's been too long since we were last there!

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