We're now at the end of September; Pip and I have spent the last week here at La Matha. The weather has been fantastic - swimming and sunbathing every day. We have taken it easy this week - normally when we are down here, we have a list of tasks to do, which takes up a lot of our time. This time, there was none of that; OK, there was a bit - I did have to get my screwdriver out to sort out some of the bolts for the barn doors, but that was it.
We nearly did a market a day - Duras on Monday, Bergerac on Wednesday and Eymet Thursday, and we ate out at lunchtime most days. It's easier that way with the dog - we feel more comfortable with him sitting at our feet outside. In Duras we went to Don Camillo for a pizza - hadn't been there for ages - Tuesday, Comptoir de Gen
ès in St Gen
ès de Castillon; Wednesday we ate in La Moutard in Bergerac (a new one for us, and very good!); Thursday we went to Gensaké in Gensac and this evening, we'll be eating out at La Terrasse in Duras.
Whilst here, I read through the historic blog posts, and realised that it has been some time since I last posted here - six months, in fact! So I ought to do some updates...
The big improvement for the year was the new lining to the swimming pool. This has been a success, as the pool has given no trouble at all this year. I've now been in it, and am very impressed. The other improvement was the tidying up to the rear of the house, and it still looks good!
A number of the posts in the past have been about what we are planning to do to improve the house for next year. Well for 2017, we are planning to refurbish the downstairs bathroom - re-tiling and replacing the loo, washbasin and bath. In addition to that, we want to replace the table and chairs on the terrace. The old set has been in use every year since 2008, and, considering it was not expensive, it has lasted well. We want to get a good quality solid set that will last forever (well that's the plan, anyway!).
As for bookings - we already have three weeks in the summer booked. They are two bookings from previous visitors, which is always encouraging.
Hope to be back before the end of the year...