Monday, 28 February 2011

Heating or No Heating

With all the talk of improvements and repairs to the pool, we had been thinking of getting solar heating installed next year.  Monsieur Bouilhac, our swimming pool man, has replied that solar heating is not effective even in Gironde, as it would require solar panels with a surface area equivalent to the size of the pool.  We had been thinking of having an open-sided covered area to the left of the pool house with a pitched roof for the panels but that would need to be very big!

His suggestion was a heat pump.  I'd heard of heat pumps for heating houses etc - Grand Designs have them all the time, but I then looked into it for swimming pools.  It works like a reverse air conditioning unit, compressing the heated fluid and having a heat exchanger between that and the pool water.  It can heat the pool to 28c with an energy multiplier of five to one (for one unit of energy used in powering the pump, it generates five units of heating energy).

This looks to me like a very good idea.  The temperature of the pool is "refreshing" for most of the season, and to have it heated would definitely make it much more attractive for a longer period of time.  We have decided that this will be an improvement to install next year - after all, we are doing a lot of improvement this year already!

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